Tolkee personal assistant tariffs


Free 7-day version

Get full free access to the system for a week. You will be given free 10,000 tokens to learn a foreign language. The tariff will end in a week or when the tokens expire.

Free access is required:

  1. Write to the manager in messengers about getting free access. Short messages are welcome.
  2. The manager will create a test account and send the accesses. You do not need to support your payment details or card.
  3. Consult with your manager about how to use the tool specifically for your situation. For example, preparing for a job interview or exam, studying, working, everyday life, etc.
  4. When the 7-day version expires, our manager will contact you.

Note! The manager has the right to refuse in case of suspicion of fraud. The free 7-day version can be used once per 1 phone number.

You can pay for the tariff only after registering your account.


  • 100 000 Tokens for study
  • 75 000 Tokens to be transferred
  • All training modes are available
  • Parallel translation
  • Grammar check
  • Hints

Discount 0 Euro

15 Euros / month



  • 200 000 Tokens for study
  • 200 000 Tokens to be transferred
  • All training modes are available
  • Parallel translation
  • Grammar check
  • Hints

Discount 5 Euro

25 Euro /month



  • 300 000 Tokens for study
  • 300 000 Tokens to be transferred
  • All training modes are available
  • Parallel translation
  • Grammar check
  • Hints

Discount 10 Euro

35 Euro /month


Attention! Important information for working with the system and payment.

  • The system only works in Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge browsers
  • Requires a working microphone on the device
  • Payment for the tariff is made after account registration
  • Take advantage of the free 7-day version to test your system

Rules for the use of tariffs

Once a fare is purchased, cancellation is only available for 3 days. During this period, the Buyer has the right to test the instrument on his device. If the tool does not technically work on the Buyer's side, and this may be because the platform runs on Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge. The buyer has the right to contact the manager at the contacts specified in the "Home" tab in the personal cabinet or on the main website on the "Contact Us" page. After 3 days of activation of the tariff, it is understood that the Buyer has checked on his side the platform(tool) for learning the spoken part of the language. After 3 days of use, the funds are non-refundable. If there are technical problems, please write to the manager for assistance and work out the situation.

Конфиденциальность данных пользователя

All user data is not shared. Tolkee has the right to use the mailing of advertising messages and user notifications. Our team encourages you to adhere to the safety norm:
- use different logins and passwords for different resources; - create complex passwords that are at least 10-12 characters long with special characters; - Do not store passwords in easily accessible places.